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Prayer Week 6

Prayer  Week 6

Not a formal prayer but the breathings of the heart of a man of God.


Christ the Lamb of God

 Oh, for such a look of Christ as will scatter sin. Oh, for such a discovery of his glory as will draw forth love to him! Oh, for such a sight of him as will never let the eye off from him again – such a sight as would make us follow him through good report or through bad report, through life and through death – such a sight of him that would lead us to seek to be with him where he is, that we may behold his glory! Oh, for such a sight of the Lamb of God as would make it the soul’s perpetual exercise ever to look!

Oh! to have our sins washed away in the precious blood, our crimson stains that we might be whiter than snow! He took away sin – he died once for the expiation, but oh! the accomplishment of it is going on through the ages of time, rolling on, the accomplishment of what he did, the application of it, the communication of pardon, purity and peace.

 Once for all he took away our sins by expiation, but he is forever taking away sins by the application. Oh!, for applications! Believers I trust you have brought your sins with you to the Lord, to the fountain opened for sin and uncleanness. I hope you have brought your sins with you to give them to Christ, to take them away from you.

 Look now, behold him now, through all your pilgrimage on earth; behold him till you come through the Jordan of death. ‘Behold the Lamb of God!’ That light shines from heaven, that light that guides you. Oh, walk with him.

 John Duncan (1796 – 1870)

One Response

  1. Expiation – definition

    Guilt is said to be expiated when it is visited with punishment falling on a substitute. Expiation is made for our sins when they are punished not in ourselves but in another who consents to stand in our room. It is that by which reconciliation is effected. Sin is thus said to be “covered” by vicarious satisfaction. The cover or lid of the ark is termed in the LXX. hilasterion, that which covered or shut out the claims and demands of the law against the sins of God’s people, whereby he became “propitious” to them. The idea of vicarious expiation runs through the whole Old Testament system of sacrifices.
